Hi! I’m Jules. I’m a solid Paint Horse, which means I don’t have the colorful patches of white and a solid color (brown in my case) like other Paints. But, if I were ever to have a foal, I can pass on the genes that would allow my baby to be colorful.
My background is in western riding, mainly barrel racing, so I enjoy more “go” than “whoa.” I love my new job, though. It’s wonderful to help people of all ages work through challenges. They teach me new things too, and that helps them find more confidence in themselves.
In my free time, I enjoy hanging out with my friends Coco and Odin in the pasture, and eating, of course. Fun fact: I must dunk every bite of hay in my water bucket before I eat it. My humans joke that it’s like people who put ketchup on everything, whatever that means.