Kelly Canzone, LCSW, ACS
CEO and Therapist
Kelly has been a Clinical Social Worker for over 25 years. She has been working with children, teens, adults, and families for her entire career. As the owner and CEO of Tri-County Behavioral Care, Kelly began Aeroflex Equine Therapy, now Equine Therapy of NJ, to meet the growing mental health needs in the community. She recognized that traditional therapy was not a fit for every client and that an innovative approach to mental health was a need.
Kelly understands the profound impact horses have in treating mental health, so she assembled a team of professionals to embark on the journey of equine therapy. Motivated by her desire to make therapeutic counseling more accessible and her genuine affection for horses, Kelly’s passion for this endeavor was born.
Licensed Clinical Social Worker: State of New Jersey #44SC05283700